Senin, 26 Januari 2009

DoNaLd dUcK

Donald Duck is a cartoon character from The Walt Disney Company. Donald is a white anthropomorphic duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He usually wears a sailor shirt, cap, and a red or black bow tie, but no pants (except when he goes swimming). Donald's most famous trait is his easily provoked and occasionally explosive temper.

According to the Disney canon, particularly in the 1942 short Donald Gets Drafted, Donald's full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck. Donald's birthday is officially recognized as June 9, 1934[2], the day his debut film, The Wise Little Hen, was released. However, in The Three Caballeros (1944), his birthday is given as simply "Friday the 13th", which is in reference to the bad luck he experiences in almost all his cartoon appearances. Donald's Happy Birthday (short) gives his birthday as 13 March.

Donald's voice, one of the most identifiable voices in all of animation, was performed by voice actor Clarence "Ducky" Nash up to 1983. It was largely this semi-intelligible speech that would cement Donald's image into audiences' minds and help fuel both Donald's and Nash's rise to stardom.[citation needed] Since 1985, Donald has been voiced by Tony Anselmo, who was trained by Nash for the role.

Tinker Bell is the jealous pixie who glows brightest for Peter Pan. Her voice sings like a tinkling bell and a sprinkle of her pixie dust can make you fly. But this sprite can turn spiteful if she suspects that Peter's attentions are diverted to anyone but herself. It's bad enough that she has to compete with Never Land's other adoring females (the mermaids and Princess Tiger Lily), but now Peter's brought back this Wendy person from London. Tink would lay down her life for Peter, but he's too busy playing Wendy's hero to care. Somehow she'll find a way to settle the score, even if it takes eliminating the competition.

In Sir James M. Barrie's original play, Tinker Bell is traditionally staged as a flying point of light beamed from offstage. Animator Marc Davis' personification of her as a winged pixie with a very womanly figure was widely criticized as too sexually suggestive by Barrie purists, especially after it was rumored that she was modeled after actress Marilyn Monroe. Tink was actually modeled after Margaret Kerry, the actress who performed her live-action reference.

The popular Miss Bell went on to a second career as TV hostess for Disney's anthology series ("Disneyland®," "Walt Disney Presents," "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color," and "The Wonderful World of Disney"), and Tinker Bell still flies through the sky over Disneyland every night in the summer to herald the evening fireworks.

WiNNie The PoOH

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan karakter beruang yang sangat menyukai madu? Tentu saja setiap orang mengenalnya. Ya, karakter Winnie-the-Pooh begitu mendunia di kalangan anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Winnie-the-Pooh banyak dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai dari film, boneka, bahkan pernak pernik lainnya. Tapi tahukah Anda ternyata karakter beruang, Winnie-the-pooh diciptakan oleh penulis Alan Alexander Milne yang terinspirasi dari boneka anaknya? Suatu ketika, A.A Milne bersama anaknya Christoper Rubin Milne pergi ke kebun binatang London. Di sana mereka melihat beruang yang diberi nama Winnipeg. Beruang ini merupakan beruang yang dibeli dari pemburu sebesar 20 dollar oleh seorang letnan dari Kanada, Harry Colebourn di Sungai Putih, Ontario, Kanada saat perang dunia pertama. Colebourn menamainya Winnipeg karena kota kediamannya di Winnipeg, Manitoba. Colebourn pun mendonasikan beruang tersebut ke kebun binatang London. Winnipeg merupakan beruang yang sangat atraktif sehingga banyak pengunjung yang menyukainya. Christopher sangat menyukai Winnipeg oleh karena itu ia menamai boneka beruangnya "Winnie". Kemudian nama "Pooh" di dapat saat A.A Milne dan Christopher melihat angsa. Saat itu mereka sedang berjalan-jalan mengisi hari libur. Cerita Winnie-the-Pooh ditulis A. A Milne di rumahnya, Ashdown Forest, Sussex Timur, Inggris. Bab pertama Winnie-the-Pooh mulai dipublikasikan pada tahun 1925 yang dikemas dalam bentuk cerita natal di London's Evening News. Satu tahun kemudian, cerita A.A Milne dengan karakter Winnie-the-Pooh beredar dalam bentuk buku "Winnie-The pooh" terbitan Methuen & Co. Ltd. Pada tahun 1928 terbit dalam judul "The House at Pooh Corner". Kemudian ada berapa puisi tentang Winnie-the-Pooh dalam buku cerita anak-anak yang berjudul "When We Were Very Young" dan "Now We Are Six". Keempat buku tersebut terdapat gambar ilustrasi cerita yang digambar oleh E. H. Shepard. Pada tahun 1930, lisensi karakter Winne-the-Pooh dipegang oleh Stephen Slesinger. Karakter Pooh pun berkembang menjadi industri lisensi yang moderen. Pooh bukan hanya dalam bentuk buku cerita saja melainkan dalam bentuk boneka, permainan, maupun puzzle. Kemudian pada tahun 1933, untuk pertama kalinya karakter Winne-the Pooh dan kawan-kawan tampil berwarna. Slesinger memberikan warna merah pada kaos Pooh. Selama 20 tahun, Slesinger memasarkan Pooh dan kawan-kawannya. Setelah Slesinger meninggal usahanya dilanjutkan oleh sang instri, Shirley Slesinger Laswell. Barulah pada tahun 1961, lisensi Winnie-the-Pooh dipegang oleh Disney setelah Shirley menjual royaltinya ke Disney. Sejak tahun 1966 munculnya film Winnie-the-Pooh dan kawan-kawan yang diproduksi oleh Disney. Kini karakter Winnie-the-Pooh yang sangat menyukai madu makin mendunia dengan ragam cerita dan animasi yang sangat menarik.

Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character who has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks[1] and voiced by Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928 (meaning that he would be 80 years old in 2008) upon the release of Steamboat Willie.[2] The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey is Known across the world as the world's greatest cartoon character. Mickey is currently the main character in the Disney Channel's Playhouse Disney series "The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." Mickey is the leader of the Mickey Mouse Club.